Christina Barsi Is Bringing Her Passion For Performing to Podcasting
Christina Barsi
Barsi Productions | Podcast Producer
Attended: 1999-2002
What are you doing now?
I create, formulate, and produce podcasts for myself and for clients, big or small, looking for guidance. I also offer consulting services, pre-production and post production services and work as an Executive Producer in select partnerships.
How did your Mt. SAC experience impact your journey?
Mt. San Antonio College was an impactful and foundational part of my life's journey in that it allowed me many opportunities to explore my creative potential. I was able to perform in many of the plays and was honored to be nominated twice for the Irene Ryans, I competed nationally and state-wide with the Forensics speech team winning many awards in that arena and received scholarships to pursue intensive workshops with Second City and Shakespeare & Co. and was in the honors program.
All of these experiences taught me to dream, to believe in myself and to persevere. That I am both worthy of failure and of winning. These are the qualities needed to exist in the entertainment industry and to build a creative business in a medium that is so brand new, like podcasting. The relationships I walked away with were the ones that continue to support me in my journey and I only hope that I am able to do the same. In fact, being able to return some of the energy spent on my success to Liesel Reinhart, my longtime mentor and former speech coach in creating the Magic Mountie Podcast and co-hosting and producing along side her has been not just rewarding but heartwarming. My deepest gratitudes lie with Mt. SAC and those who serve and have served there.