Mt. SAC's Aircraft Maintenance Technology Program Helped J.R. Harrison Find His Passion
J.R. Harrison
Unical Aviation / Unical 145 | Aviation Maintenance Manager
Attended: 2011-2013
What are you doing now?
As an aviation maintenance manager I oversee the repair and overhaul of major aircraft components which are sold to airline customers throughout the world. I assist in developing forecasting and production schedules for three maintenance crews and the paint department. I also play an integral role in the development and deployment of our training program designed to help transition mechanics who are early in their career into well rounded knowledgeable members of our team.
How did your Mt. SAC experience impact your journey?
I graduated from Mt. SAC’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology night program in June of 2013. Shortly after that I obtained my Airframe and Powerplant certificates from the FAA. Prior to attending the program at Mt. SAC I was in a career field that I had no passion for, which can take a toll on a person. Attending this program put me on the path of turning a lifelong love of commercial aviation into a career. I can now have the honor of working as part of a dedicated team of aviation professionals who strive to do the best work they can every day. The aviation maintenance field can be challenging and stressful at times, deadlines are tight and safety is key; the airlines need to keep their aircraft safely flying. Each day I embrace that challenge because I am proud of the work we do and proud of the team I work with. Mt. SAC gave me the key to starting this career.