Learn more about what it means to be a Torchbearer.
+ Where does my money go?
We will use your gift, along with hundreds of others, to create an operational endowment for Mt. SAC’s Athletic programs. Please note that $50 of your total $1,000 gift will go to offset the costs associated with laser inscribing and installing your plaque.
+ How does an endowment work?
We invest your gift and the interest that accrues over time is what the Athletic programs will have to spend on their most important priorities. The great value of an endowment comes from time—by only spending a portion of the earnings each year, we ensure that there will be resources to support Mt. SAC student athletes for generations to come!
+ I work at Mt. SAC. Is there a way I can join through the College?
Yes! We appreciate your hard work in support of our students. You can become a member of the Torchbearer Society by signing up for a monthly payroll deduction gift of $21. You can make your gift over a period of four years (or shorter, if you prefer) and we will put your name plate up right away.
+ Can I see what my Torchbearer Society plaque will look like before it goes on the wall?
Yes, you can. Visit the Torchbearer Society giving page and enter your info into the preview form. You'll then be able to see how your plaque will appear before we add it to the recognition wall.
+ What should I include on my plaque?
That’s mainly up to you. We suggest keeping it simple. You have three lines of space and a total of 90 characters. Your name, your relationship with Mt. SAC, and an inspirational message are a good way to go. See some samples we’ve included on this page to give yourself some ideas.
+ Is my Torchbearer Society donation tax-deductible?
Yes, your Torchbearer Society donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.
+ I’d like to support but that’s a lot to give at one time. Are there payment options?
We understand completely. We’ve designed this effort to make sure it’s open to everyone. You can break up your torchbearer society gift over a period of months and even over the next four years. Sign up for installment giving and we’ll charge your credit card over a time period that works best for you.
+ I played a sport at Mt. SAC. How do I let you know that?
When you're filling out your Torchbearer Society plaque form, there's a spot to tell us which sport(s) you played. You can also stay connected by joining the Mt. SAC Alumni Association. We’ll keep you up to speed on the latest news from Mountie Athletics and more!
+ I gave $1,000 to another Mt. SAC sport. Does that put me in the Torchbearer Society?
No, it does not. We greatly appreciate your support of teams at Mt. SAC. This is a separate effort from what individual teams do. The Torchbearer Society is a group of people who are helping to build an operational endowment that will live on in perpetuity and will provide Mt. SAC student athletes the critical support they need to continue to be successful into the future.
+ What are some other initiatives in Athletics that I can support?
We welcome your involvement and support of all our teams. Gifts from the Mt. SAC community provide crucial support for our athletes and help coaches purchase equipment, uniforms, gear, etc. You can visit our Athletic giving page to make a gift to any of our teams.
+ I’d like to purchase Mt. SAC Athletics apparel. Is there a way I can do that?
Yes! We love it when our fans show their pride by wearing team apparel. Visit our online store to see all the latest Mountie gear!
+ Who can I talk with to get more involved?
To be more involved in supporting Mt. SAC Athletics, please reach out to the Mt. SAC Foundation. You can contact Executive Director Bill Lambert by phone at (909) 274-5438 or email at